When signing a going away card, please keep in mind that the person who is receiving this card will most likely pull it out to read in many years to come. So be obscure! Make references to things that never happened. Refer to people that don’t exist. Write random words in such a way that they look like they might mean something, if only that person could remember the context.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Coffee Cup Dilemma
If, at the end of the day, you would like to put your personalised mug in the dishwasher but the dishwasher is full, then try this handy tip. Rather than leave it on the bench above the dishwasher (where everyone can read your name) take an anonymous glass from the dishwasher and put that on the bench. Then, put your mug where the glass was! With no name on it, no one will know who left the glass there!
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